mandag 1. mars 2010

Facebook Details How It Tests Code, But Won’t Say How It Misdelivered Private Messages

Last week, Facebook was affected by a glitch that sent what appear to be thousands of private messages to the wrong people — a very alarming security breach given the amount of data 400 million users have entrusted to the service. News of the bug hit the press, Facebook issued a typically vague statement saying very few people were affected and that an investigation was looking into the matter, and that was that.
Most people probably just shrugged their shoulders at the news, but it's yet another blemish against the company's security record. This isn't the first time Facebook has run into security issues, and I've grown increasingly concerned that the company might be playing fast and loose with its quality assurance policies because it doesn't want to sacrifice the rapid iteration it's famous for. With this in mind, I reached out to Facebook late last week to ask about their protocol for deploying code and how the bug made it through in the first place. The company responded to some of my questions, and refused to answer others.

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