fredag 21. august 2009

Facebook’s differences with Twitter underscored by move to integrate tweets

Facebook will start allowing people to export tweets from pages (not profiles) over the next few days.
The idea is to let organizations consolidate their social media activity to one place. Instead of having to send out a news item from two sites, they can just go to their Facebook Page and reach out to communities on both social networks.
“Public figures, musicians, businesses and organizations of all types who’ve created Facebook Pages often want to share a status update, a photo or an event with as many of their supporters as possible,” wrote engineering intern Michael Gummelt in a blog post.
What the move underscores is an important philosophical distinction between the two companies. For a long time, Twitter has let users update their Facebook statuses via Twitter. Facebook has only begun to open up its status updates to everyone.
“The general idea is that we want to be open first and closed only when absolutely necessary,” said co-founder Biz Stone in an interview yesterday. “Ideally we want to say — The house is open! Come party with us! But the liquor cabinet’s locked for safety.”
By contrast, Facebook opens up only when it becomes patently obvious the community is already moving in that direction. Granted, this is because Facebook’s success has always hinged on its obsessiveness over privacy. The social network’s Pages still have a long way to go to catch up to some of the customer relations possibilities Twitter has enabled with its real-time search functionality.

You can follow VentureBeat on Twitter, along with VentureBeat writers Matt Marshall, Dean Takahashi, Anthony Ha, Camille Ricketts, Paul Boutin, Kim-Mai Cutler, and Matthaus Krzykowski.

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